A Place to Belong.
-Matthew 19:14 (NIV)
Sunday School
Kids of the Kingdom
Klub Life
Youth Group
0-2 years old
Your babies are INVITED to hang out and play with other babies! Nursery volunteers have the opportunity to have fun and cuddle the little ones during the service.
Volunteers TEACH and model the love of Jesus with kindness, gentleness, sharing and taking turns.
Once the babies are 2 years old they are RELEASED into our 2 and 3 year old class.
Sunday School
2-3 years old
In this class, your young child is INVITED to experience a taste of Sunday School with their friends, teachers and helpers.
The teaching focus for this class is that each one for them is loved by Jesus. This is taught with the use of songs, stories, videos, crafts and play time.
Sunday School
4-5 years old
Once your child is four years old he/she is RELEASED into our 4-5 year old class.
We invite the 4 and 5 years old into the next level/growth of Sunday School. We have experienced teachers and helpers working in this class.
The children experience a deeper understanding of who Jesus is through bible stories, craft, object lessons and memory verse.
Once your child is six years old he/she is RELEASED into our 6-12 year old class.
Sunday School
6-12 years old
Children are invited to our "big" class of age 6-12 years old.
Kids Quest is a Sunday morning service that is done every 1st Sunday of the month. A breakfast is served and live music is played!
These children are taught in areas of Bible studies, worship, dance, drama, crafts and sharing. These children learn in a big group setting as well as breaks into small group studying.
The main focus is for the children to reach out to one another and to learn together and to have fun together. There is a live band, together with teaching, games and relationship building.
Once the child has reached the age of 12 or Grade 7, they are released into Youth Ministry.
...all the children have the opportunity to get to know one another and release God's love to each other. They are also released to serve in various areas of the church.
Kids Of The Kingdom
Ages 5-12
Invite children to be part of something GOOD! We have a live band, snacks, bible stories, games, prizes and so much more. *Many of these children come from non-Christian homes so we offer Van Service on these nights.*
We teach them the Good News of the gospel in a place where they can learn what God says and that He is always there for them.
We then release them into our Klub Life Ministry to continue experiencing an accepting and loving community and to continue growing in the Lord.
Klub Life
Grades 5-8
Grades 5 to 8 are invited to experience positive community with others. We invite them to play games, listen to Christian teachings, enjoy snacks and earn points for field trips!
Klub Life teaches the kids more about what God wants for their live and about making good choices. There is also a strong emphasis on God being the One who can help them through anything.
The kids are then released yo our Youth Group where they get discipled in the Word of God and learn more about their identity in Christ.
12-18 years old
Youth ages 12-18 are invited to a variety of youth events during the week.
Some of the things we study with this group are their identity in Christ, how to live their faith confidently, and capacity to share their faith.
We release the youth into active church involvement including leadership/mentoring roles. Once they reach the age of 18, we also release them into the young adults group.